Adding an account
To add some accounts, you may need to obtai n details from an IT
support representa tive about the service to c onnect such as the
account’s domain or serve r address.
1. From the Hom e screen, tap the Menu key > Sett ings > Add
2. Tap the type of account to add.
3. Follow the on-screen i nstructions to enter the requi red and optional
information about the acc ount.
Most accou nts require a username and p assword, but the details
depend on the type of acco unt and the configuratio n of the service
you are connecting to.
4. Configure the accou nt.
Dependi ng on the type you may need to conf igure the type of data
you want to sync to the phone, account nam e, and other details.
Once the acc ount is configured, emai l, contacts, and other
information will start sy ncing to your phone.
Tapping the accou nt type (e.g. Google) in ACCO UNTS section of
Settings screen will sh ow a list of the added accounts.
Removing an account
You can remove an account and all info rmation associated with i t from
your phone, including ema il, contacts, settings, and s o on.
1. From the Hom e screen, tap the Menu key > Sett ings.
2. Tap an account type, e.g. Google.
Your current acco unts list is displayed.
3. Tap the account to remove.
4. Tap the Menu key > Remove account > Remove account.