Renaming or delet e a playlist
1. Touch and hold a play list in the Playlists tab.
2. Tap Rename or Delete.
• You cannot delete or rename the Recen tly Added playlist.
• No songs will be affected by the d eleting of a playlist.
Creating playli sts on your PC
You can create playlists on your PC to use in th e Music application.
Music can work with playlis ts in the M3U, WPL, and PLS file formats.
Copy playlists to your phone’s memor y the same way you copy music,
according to the instructio ns in “Copying music files to th e phone’s
Memory” on page 160.
If you don’t have an application ded icated to creating playlists on
your PC, you can create a playlist in a tex t editor, using the following
• Enter a music file name per lin e.
• Use music file names as dis played on your PC. Music ignores a ll
but the track names when di splaying the playlist.
• Save the file with the .m3u extensi on