Sleep: Opens a dialog where you can set h ow long to wait after you’ve
touched the screen or pres sed a key before the screen tur ns OFF. For
the best battery per formance, use the shor test convenient timeout.
Font size: Select whic h size font is displayed.
Data Storage
Internal Storage and SD Card: Displays about Internal storage or S D
Total spac e: Disp lays the amount of space on inter nal storage, and
the amount of space you have alread y used to store Apps, Photos,
Videos, Audio, and other file s.
Available: Shows the amo unt of internal phone storage u sed by the
operating system, its compo nents, applications (i ncluding those you
downloaded), and the ir permanent and temp orary data.
Total spac e and Availa ble: Displays the amount of space on th e
microSD card installed in yo ur phone, and the amount of spac e you
have already used to store photos, vid eos, music, and other files.
Unmount SD card : Unmounts the microSD card f rom your phone so
that you can format the card or sa fely remove it when the phone i s on.
This setting is dimmed i f there is no microSD card insta lled, or if you
have already unmounted the mi croSD card.
Erase SD card: Per manently erases ever ything on a microSD car d
and prepares it for use with you r phone.
Ask on plug: Check to display the pop-up menu for s electing USB
mode when using the USB con nection.
USB Connectio n: Select Charge Only, Medi a device(MTP) o r
Camera(PTP) to c hange USB connection mo de.