GalleryYou can use the Gallery appl ication to view pictures a nd play videos taken
with the Camera, download ed, or copied onto your microS D card.
Gallery and albums1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Gallery icon .
The main Ga llery screen opens d isplaying the pictures a nd videos
on your microSD card, inclu ding those taken with Camer a and
downloaded from websites or other locations.
Tap in any view to return to the
main Gallery screen. Tap to open Camera.
An album of the photos and vi deos
you took with Camera.
Slide left or right to vi ew more
3. Tap an album to open it and view i ts contents.
The pictur es and videos in the album ar e displayed in chronologi cal
order. See “Working with albu ms” on page 152.
If you have a lot of pictures or video s on your microSD card, it may
take Gallery a few minute s to discover and organize them wh en you
open the application.