Adding a new contac t
You can add contacts on your phone an d synchronize them with the
contacts in your Google, Bac kup Assistant Plus, Micro soft Exchange
ActiveSync, or other accoun ts that support syncing co ntacts.
1. Open your c ontacts.
2. Tap the icon .
3. If you have more than one acco unt for contacts, tap the accou nt you
want to add the contact to.
The Edit cont act screen opens.
Enter the contact’s nam e.
Tap to add more than one entry fo r
the category.
Tap to select a picture.
Tap to open a menu with preset
Tap to delete this entry.
4. Enter the contact’s name.
5. Tap to add other contact informa tion, such as phone number s and
email addresses.
Scroll the pag e to view all categories.