7. To add a subje ct, tap the Menu key > Add su bject and enter the
8. To attach a file, tap the Menu key > Attach and tap one of the
following multimedia file types.
Pictures: Allows you to select an d attach a picture saved on the
microSD card.
Take pi ctu re: The Cam era application opens s o you can take a
picture and attach it.
Videos: Allows you to select and attach a vi deo saved on the
microSD card.
Capture video: The Camera applicati on opens in camcorder mo de
so you can take a video and att ach it.
Audio: Prompts you to select one of the intern al audio files.
Record audio: The voice recorder function o pens so you can record
and attach a voice messa ge.
Location: You can attach your location by usi ng GPS.
My location, Address, Favorite, Re cently Used, Place of
Interest, From media, From Co ntact
Slideshow: In the Edit slideshow menu you ca n assemble photos
into a slideshow of up to ten slides to at tach to the message. Tap
the name of a slideshow in the Edi t slideshow menu to add photos,
preview a slideshow, or delete a sl ideshow. When you are finishe d
editing a slideshow, tap Done.
Quick Text: The quick tex t option menu opens so that you ca n
insert desired text.
Name card: Allows you to select and attach a co ntact from
Calendar: Allows you to select and at tach a calendar event.
9. Tap Send.