Downloading filesImage files, web pages, and a pplications can be downl oaded from
Downloaded files wil l be stored in the phone’s memory.
• The way to download image files, do cuments, applications a nd
other files depends on th e web page. Download files ac cording to
the web page instructions.
• By default, the Phone is set to disab le the installation of appli cations
downloaded from web pages. To enabl e installation of applicat ions,
check Unknown sources of Application sett ings. See
“Applications Manager” on p age 223.
• To protect the phone and personal data , download applications
only from trusted source s, such as Play Store.
Downloading file s
1. Touch and hold an i mage on a web page, a link to a file, or a lin k to
another web page.
2. Tap Save image or Save link.
If the file is i n a format supported by an app lication on the phone, it
will be downloaded to the pho ne’s memory.
Viewing downloaded files
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Downloads icon to open.