
Closing a Browser win dow

1. Tap the icon o n the URL bar.
If the URL bar i s not visible, scroll up until th e URL bar can be seen.
The list of Brows er windows is displayed.
2. Tap the close icon of the Browser wind ow you want to close.
Changing Browser settings
1. Tap the Menu key w hile viewing the Browser sc reen.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Change the following s ettings as needed:
Set home page: Allow s you to set the current web page as a
home page. You can also edit the URL.
Form auto-fill: Check if you want to fill out web forms with a sing le
Auto-fill text: You can set up the text to auto-fill in web forms.
Privacy & securit y
Clear cache: Allows you to delete the temporary f iles which the
Browser stores in order to open web p ages more quickly.
Clear history: Allows you to delete the browser histor y.
Show security w arnings: When che cked, the Browser warns
you about web pages with comm on security problems s uch as
outdated or invalid certi ficates. When unchecke d, these warnings
are suppressed.
Accept cookies: When checked, th e Phone allows web pages
to store cookies on it. When unc hecked, the Phone prevents web
pages from storing cook ies on it.
Clear all cookie d ata: Tap to delete all cookies f rom the Phone.
Remember form data: When checked, the Browser rememb ers
what you enter on a form on a website and h elps you re-enter
that text when you use that form n ext time. When unchecke d, this
feature is disabled.