Connecting to Networks
Connecting to NetworksConnecting to mobile networks
When you buy your phone and si gn up for service, your phon e is
configured to use your provide r’s mobile networks for voice and da ta
The icons in the Status bar in dicate which type of data net work you are
connected to and the networ k signal strength.
Connected to 4G LTE network
Connected to 3G network
Connected to the 1X data network
The more bars the stronger t he wireless signal
Connected to another wire less service provi der’s network
When connected to slower net works, you may want to postpone
using your phone for data-inten sive tasks until you are connec ted to a
faster network, or find a Wi -Fi network on which to conn ect.

Disabling data w hen roaming

You can prevent your phone from transm itting data over another
carrier’s mobile network wh en you leave an area covered by your
carrier’s network.
This is useful for controll ing expenses if your phone’s ser vice plan
doesn’t include data roami ng.
1. From the Hom e screen, tap the Menu key > Sett ings > More... >
Mobile networks > Global Data Roamin g Access.
2. Tap Deny data ro aming access.