Data Plans and Fea tures:
Content and In ternet Access
Many services a nd applications offere d through your device may
be provided by third partie s. Before you use, link to or download
a service provided by a thi rd party, or an application s uch as a
non-Verizon Wireless loca tion-based GPS type se rvice, chat room,
marketplace or social net work from your device, you sho uld review
the terms of such servic e or application and appli cable privacy policy.
Personal information you s ubmit may be read, collected o r used
by the service or applic ation provider and/or oth er users of those
Verizon Wireless is not r esponsible for any infor mation, content or
services you acces s, download or use from the Inter net.
You are responsible for main taining virus and other In ternet security
protections when access ing service. For additi onal information, visit
the Verizon Content Policy at
Your Verizon Wireless Custom er Agreement terms and co nditions
and certain other spe cially identified term s govern your use of any
Verizon Wireless produc t or service.