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Tap SUPPORT to view the list of su pported files.
4. Tap the file you want to view its content.
The content of th e file will be displayed.
ClockYou can set an alarm by modifyin g an existing alarm or by addin g a new
Setting an alarm
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Clock icon to open.
3. Tap the alarm icon .
4. Tap an existing alarm to change i ts time and other attributes.
The Set ala rm screen opens. Check Turn a larm on.
5. Tap Time to set the alarm.
In the dialo g, change the time by tapping th e or icons. Or tap
the digits to change the hours and minutes directly.
6. Tap Repeat to set the days when you want t he alarm to sound.
If you do not set a rep eat, the alarm will only sou nd one time.
7. Tap Ringtone to select a ringtone for th e alarm.
You can select a ri ngtone from those that come wi th the phone.
The rington e plays briefly when you sel ect it.
8. Check Vibrate to have the phone vibrate, in addition to playing th e
9. Tap Label to enter a name for the alar m.
10. When you are finis hed, tap DONE.
The alarm will go off at th e time it was set.