Current View mode

The Current View mode sc reen displays the current t ide.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Tides.
2. The Current View scre en displays the current ti de, time of sunrise
and sunset, and time of high and l ow tides.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.
Select Point: Same as One-Day View mode.
You can also set the tim e to display the tidal informati on by sliding the
time up or down.
You can use the Sun/Moon tool to c heck the time of sunrise, suns et,
moonrise, and moonset at you r current location or des ired point.
• The Sun/Moon tool can d isplay information for date s between
January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2021.
• The altitude of the Sun and the Mo on is not completely accurate.
The path of the Sun and the Moon sh own on the main display is not
accurate and is only for illu strative purposes.

Sunrise Sunset mode

You can check the time of sunrise an d sunset and the position of the
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Sun/Moon.
2. The Sunrise Sunset s creen displays the time of sun rise and sunset
and the position of the Sun.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.
Current location: Updates the current location u sing GPS.
Select Point: Allows you to select a point from a list whos e
information will be displ ayed. You can also tap Maps to display the
map for selecting a point.