Pedometer mode

In Pedometer mode, you can chec k the number of steps you traveled in
a day, etc.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Wal king Counter.
2. The Pedometer screen d isplays the number of steps you too k for the
day, a chart displaying the num ber of steps you took for the last few
days, the distance you walked and th e estimated number of calor ies
you burned.
• Tap Day, Week, or Month on the list to display the detail s.
Time display: Tap to change the mode between daily, weekl y or
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.
You can log barometric pressure a nd feel the flow of air.
• Barometer allows you to check barom etic pressure trends over the
past 12 hours and see how the weather is g oing to trend.
• When staying in a cabin or tent, you c an check this tool before
going out in the morning to de cide what to wear and what to do
that day.
• Barometric pressure wil l change according to altitu de. If different
altitudes are used, corr ect measurements are not p ossible.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Barometer.
2. Select desired option.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.
Switch Mode: Select Pressure Tendency or Pressur e Chart.
Select Pressure Tendency to log past barometric pressure. Se lect
Pressure Chart to share the barometric pressu re through LIVE G.