Working with menus
There are two kinds of Andro id menus: option menus a nd context

Option menus

Option menus contain act ion items based on the curre nt screen or
application, not to any spec ific item on the screen. You can open o ption
menus by tapping the Menu key . Not all screens have option me nus.
If you tap the Menu key on a scre en with no option menu, nothin g
will happen.
Some screens have more optio n menu items than can fit in the m ain
menu. Tap More to open a menu of additional items.
Option menus contai n items that
apply to the current scr een or to
the application as a wh ole.

Context menus

Context menus contain too ls that apply to a specific ite m on the screen.
You open a context menu by touching an d holding an item on the
screen. Not all items have contex t menus. If you touch and hold an ite m
with no context menu, nothing w ill happen.