3. Tap an icon to open its applic ation and start commun icating with
your contact right away.
You can also tap an ic on to edit the contact’s informati on in
Contacts, to view the contact’s add ress in VZ Navigator®, and so o n,
depending on which ap plications and accounts a re configured on
your phone.
You can add a shortcut for a contact to you r Home screen, which
you can then tap to open Quick C ontact for Android. For more
information about addi ng shortcuts to the Home scre en, see “Adding
an item to the Home screen” on page 3 6.
Silent mode
You can silence all sounds incl uding call and notifica tion ringtones by
putting your phone in Sile nt mode.
1. Press and h old the Power/Lock Key until the pop-up menu
2. Tap the icon (Mute) or (V ibrate) to initiate Silent mod e.
In Silent mo de, the Mute mode icon or the Vibrate mode ic on
appears in the Status bar.
• Press and hold the Power/Lock Key until the pop-up me nu
appears in Silent mode a nd tap the icon to exit Silent mode.
• The audio from music, video s, and other media and any ala rms you
have set still sound in Silent m ode. You must silence media and
alarms in their own applic ations.