Other Medical D evices
If you use any other personal m edical device, consult th e manufacturer
of your device to determine if they a re adequately shielded f rom external
RF energy. Your physician may be able to as sist you in obtaining this
Hospitals and He alth Care Facilities
Turn your phone OFF in health care fa cilities when any regula tions
posted in these areas instr uct you to do so. Hospitals or heal th care
facilities may be using eq uipment that could be sens itive to external RF
kVehicle s
RF signals may affect im properly installed or i nadequately shielde d
electronic systems in motor veh icles. Check with the man ufacturer or
its representative regard ing your vehicle. You should also con sult the
manufacturer of any equip ment that has been added to your ve hicle.
kPosted Facilities
Turn your phone OFF where posted noti ces so require.
FCC regulations prohibit u sing your phone while in the a ir. Turn your
phone OFF before boarding a n aircraft.
Always request and obtain pr ior consent and approval of an a uthorized
airline representati ve before using your phone aboa rd an aircraft. Always
follow the instructions of the ai rline representative whe never using your
phone aboard an aircraf t, to prevent any possible inter ference with
airborne electronic equipment.