
kBlasting Areas

To avoid interfering with blastin g operations, turn your phon e OFF when
in a “blasting area” or in areas p osted “Turn off two-way radio”. Obey all
signs and instructions.

kPotentially Exp losive Atmospheres

Turn your phone OFF when in any area wi th a potentially explosive
atmosphere and obey all si gns and instructions. Spa rks in such areas
could cause an explosio n or fire resulting in bodil y injury or even death.
Areas with a potentially expl osive atmosphere are often, b ut not always,
clearly marked. They in clude fueling areas su ch as gas stations; below
deck on boats; fuel or che mical transfer or storage f acilities; vehicles
using liquefied petrol eum gas (such as propan e or butane); areas wh ere
the air contains chemic als or articles, such a s grain, dust, or metal
powders; and any other area w here you would normally be ad vised to
turn off your vehicle’s engine.
Safety Information for FCC RF Exposur e
Read this information before using.
In August 1996 the Federal Comm unications Commissi on
(FCC) of the United State s with its action in Report a nd
Order FCC 96-326 adopted an up dated safety standard for
human exposure to radio freq uency electromagnetic
energy emitted by FCC regu lated transmitters. Tho se guidelines are
consistent with the safet y standard previously set by b oth U.S. and
international standard s bodies. The design of this p hone complies with
the FCC guidelines and thes e international standards.