6. Tap Add new to add more tha n one entry for that categor y—for
example, to add both work and home nu mbers.
Tap the label to the rig ht of the contact information to op en a menu
with preset labels, such a s MOBILE, HOME, WORK, HOME FAX,
WORK FAX, CUSTOM for a phone number.
7. To add a categor y, tap Add another fie ld and tap on the categor y
you would like to add from the list that is d isplayed.
8. Tap the picture frame icon to take a photo or choose a photo from
your Gallery to represe nt the contact.
9. Tap Save to finish.
Contacts will try to link new a ddresses with existing co ntacts, to
create a single entry. You can also man age that process manual ly.
See “Linking or Unlink ing contacts informatio n” on page 83.