have not been confirmed by ad ditional research. In som e cases, other
researchers have had dif ficulty in reproduc ing those studies, or in
determining the reasons for i nconsistent results.
kWhat is FDA’s role concernin g the safety of wireless phones?
Under the law, FDA does not review the sa fety of radiation-emitt ing
consumer products suc h as wireless phones befo re they can be sold,
as it does with new drugs or me dical devices. However, the agency
has authority to take actio n if wireless phones are s hown to emit
radiofrequency energ y (RF) at a level that is ha zardous to the user. In
such a case, FDA could require th e manufacturers of wirele ss phones
to notify users of the health h azard and to repair, replace or re call the
phones so that the hazard n o longer exists.
Although the existing sci entific data do not justif y FDA regulatory
actions, FDA has urged the wire less phone industry to ta ke a number of
steps, including the following:
• Support needed rese arch into possible biolog ical effects of RF of the
type emitted by wirele ss phones;
• Design wireless phone s in a way that minimizes any RF exposu re to
the user that is not necess ary for device functio n; and
• Cooperate in providing user s of wireless phones with th e best
possible information on possible effects of wireless phone use on
human health
FDA belongs to an interagency wor king group of the federal age ncies
that have responsibilit y for different aspects of R F safety to ensure
coordinated efforts at th e federal level. The following a gencies belong to
this working group:
• National Institute for Occup ational Safety and Heal th
• Environmental Protection Age ncy
• Federal Communication s Commission