Adding a song to a playl ist1. While vi ewing a list of tracks in the Libra ry, touch and hold a song to
add it to a playlist.
2. Tap Add to playl ist.
3. Tap the name of the playlist to add the s ong to.
The song is ad ded to the playlist.
You can also add the song that is playin g in the Playback screen to a
playlist by tapping the Men u key > Add to playlis t.
Rearranging son gs in a playlist1. Open a play list by tapping it in the Playlist s tab.
2. Drag the directional icon next to the song up or down to ch ange
its order in the playlist.
You can also open the currently pl aying playlist by tapping the p laylist
icon in the Playback scre en.
Removing a song from a pl aylist1. Open a play list by tapping it in the Playlist s tab.
2. Touch and hold a song and then ta p Remove from playlist.
The song will not be deleted f rom the phone’s memory or other
playlists; it will only be re moved from the playlist you are wor king with.