More Applications
example, “Call John Work” ) to access the contact’s phone nu mber
Send Text <Name or #>: To create a text me ssage, say “Send text,”
and the command system will pr ompt you for the name, number
or group. You can state the name and numbe r of the contact,
the message type, and th e contact name, number, or group (fo r
example, “Send text to Bob”) a nd the Messaging applic ation will
automatically start.
Send Email <Nam e>: To create an email, say “Send emai l,” and the
command system will prompt yo u for the name. You can state the
name (for example, “Send e mail to Bob”) and the Email ap plication
will automatically start.
Go To <Menu>: The “Go To” command allows you to ac cess an
application within the ph one (for example, “Go to Contac ts”). If no
application name is stated, a l ist of shortcuts will be provi ded.
Check <Item>: The “Ch eck” command allows you to acc ess your
phone’s information includin g the Status, Voicemail, Mess ages,
Missed Calls, Time, Sign al Strength, Battery, My Phone Nu mber, and
Volume (for example, “Check Ba ttery”). If no optio n is stated, a list of
options will be provided.
Contact <Name>: The “Contact” command allows you to acc ess
information for a contact. For exa mple, saying, “Contact Bob Smi th,”
will provide all entered info rmation for that contact.
Play <PlayList>: The “Play” command all ows you to play individual
playlists by saying “Play” followe d by the playlist name.
Help: Help displays general info rmation about how to use Voice