• You can adjust the volume of music by pres sing the Volume Keys
. A panel opens to show the curre nt media volume; the
indicator moves as you adjust the vo lume.
• You can start playback from the fi rst song in the list by tapping th e
Menu key > Play all while viewin g a list of tracks in an album or
in the Songs tab.
• You can return to the Playback screen fro m most other screen in
the Music application by tapping the summary of the current track
shown at the bottom of the screen.
• You can return to the Playback screen from a ny other application
by opening the Notificati ons panel and tapping the o ngoing music
• You can listen to music by using the phone’s built-in s peaker,
through a wired headset, or thr ough a wireless Bluetooth ste reo
headset that supports th e A2DP profile. See “Connec ting to
Bluetooth® devices” on page 101 and refer to the document ation
that came with your headset.
• Some headsets include thei r own volume controls or ways to pause
and resume playback or to switc h tracks.
Playing tracks in a pa rty shuffle
When you turn on Party Sh uffle, Music plays track s from your phone’s
memory in random orde r, until you turn Party Shuffl e off.
1. In the Playba ck or a Library screen, t ap the Menu key > Party
Music crea tes a current playlist of a seven tra cks selected randomly
from your phone’s memory and st arts playing them. When i t finishes
playing the first dozen trac ks, it adds another dozen and keep s
2. To stop Party Shuffle, ta p the Menu key > Part y shuffle off.