take a few seconds or several mi nutes, depending on how many f iles
you have copied to the phone’s memory.
When the mu sic catalog creation is co mplete, the Music library
screen opens with tabs th at you can tap to view your music lib rary
organized by Artists, Albu ms, Songs, or Playlists.
Tap the summary of the curren t
track to open the Playback s creen.
Tap a tab to view your library in
one of four ways.
You can return to the Music librar y screen from the Playback sc reen
by tapping the Menu key > Libra ry.
Searching for mus ic in your library
1. Tap the Search key on a ny Music application sc reen.
2. Start typing the n ame of the artist, album, or tra ck you are looking
Matching son gs are displayed in the list bel ow the search box.
3. Tap a song to play it, or tap an album or a rtist to view a list of
associated songs.