
Backup Assista nt Plus

See “Configuring Back up Assistant Plus SM” on page 89.

Location access

You can configure whether to use lo cation services su ch as for
indicating your current l ocation on the map applica tion.
Access to my location: Turn on to allow apps that have asked your
permission use your location information.
E911: This is for indication only, and cannot be change d. E911 Location
cannot be turned off on any m obile phone.
VZW Location S ervices: Check to e nable Verizon Wireless an d third
party authenticate d and validated location se rvices.
Standalone GPS Services: Check to use location ser vices based on
Standalone GPS.
Google Location Services: Check to enable access to al l location
information by Google’s location services.

kLocation Based Se rvices (LBS)

Your wireless device can deter mine its (and your) physic al, geographical
location (“Location Information”). Certain applications and services
can access, collect a nd use Location Informatio n and disclose the
information to others. Use cau tion and discretion when you m ake
Location Information availab le to them.
To limit potential unauthorized ac cess to your Location Informa tion,
Verizon Wireless device s are preset to “E911” which only allows
authorized emergency r esponse personnel to loc ate you when you dial
9-1-1 from your wireless device.
When you select “VZ W Location Services” o r “Standalone GPS
Services” or “Google L ocation Service™” you allow thir d party access
to Location Infor mation.