Factory data re set: Opens a dialog wh ere you can erase all of your
personal data from inter nal storage, including info rmation about your
Google account, any other ac counts, your system and applic ation
settings, and any downloa ded applications. Rese tting the phone
does not erase any system sof tware updates already ins talled. This
dialog also contains a ch eckbox to erase your phone’s storage o r
microSD card contents, inc luding data downloaded or c opied to the
card such as music or photos. Af ter resetting the phone thi s way, the
next time you turn it on you will be p rompted to setup your phone
If you execute Factory Reset in the E ncryption mode, data save d
in the SD card cannot be read any m ore. When executing Factor y
Reset, cancel the Encr yption mode, then execute it.

Tactile key

For details about these se ttings, see “Selectin g an application to be
opened by the Tactile Key” on page 48.
Disable Tactile key : Check to disable the Tactile key.
Assign app to Tactil e key: Allows you to select the ap plication to be
activated when pressin g and holding the Tactile Key .
The ACCOUNTS section lists th e type of accounts such as that of
Google you have added to the phon e. Tapping an account type in this
section opens its accou nts screen.
Tap an account to enable/disa ble synchronization.
ON/OFF: Turn on to enable an account type to synchro nize data
according to their own sched ule. If you turn this setting of f, you must tap
an account in the list on this s creen and tap the Menu key > Sync
now to synchronize data for that accou nt.
ADD ACCOUNT: See “Adding an account” on page 110.