Google Pinyin: Check to install Google Pinyin to e nter data. Tap the
icon to configure options.
Google voice ty ping: Check to select G oogle Voiceâ„¢ typing to
enter data.
XT9 Text Input: Tap the icon to configure options.
Voice Search: Set voice search options.
Text-to-speech output: Set text-to-speech options.
Pointer speed: Set the poi nter speed.
Backup & reset
Back up my data: Chec k to back up some of your personal d ata
to Google servers, with you r Google account. If you replac e your
phone, the data you have backed up ca n be restored onto the new
phone the first time you sign i n with your Google account. If yo u
check this option, a wide vari ety of your personal data wil l be backed
up, including your Wi-Fi passwo rds, Browser bookmarks, a list of
the applications you have inst alled, the words you have added to the
dictionary used by the o nscreen keyboard, and most of t he settings
that you configure with the Se ttings application. Som e third party
applications may also ta ke advantage of this feature. If you un check
this option, you stop the backing up of yo ur data to your account,
and any existing backups are d eleted from Google ser vers.
Backup account: Select the account to backup.
Automatic restore: Check this option to restore your settin gs and
other data when you install an a pplication. This will on ly apply if you
had installed and used th e application previous ly on this phone or on
another phone, and if you sign ed in with the same Google ac count
and had been backing up you r settings.