Getting Started with Your Phone
• Descriptions and instruc tions in this manual are bas ed on
the software version and d efault settings of the phone w hen
purchased. Operation s may differ when any sett ings are changed
or the software version is u pdated.
• Screen images in this manu al are shown for reference onl y and may
differ from what appe ars on your phone.
Feature overview

Water resistance

The CASIO G’zOne COMMANDO™ 4G LTE is water resista nt. It
provides reliable per formance for outdoor activ ities, and in wet
conditions such as driv ing rain or high humidit y.
The tested device meets the re quirements of the MIL-STD-810G (Rain &
immersion 1m, 30min) standard.
The Water Resistance featu re does not guarantee protectio n
against the usage of this dev ice underwater. Do not use the phon e
To maintain water resistance:
• Securely close the Chargi ng/Data Port cover a nd the Headset Jack
• Do not use earphones unde rwater. Defects or damage resul ting
from underwater usage ar e not covered by warranty.
• Completely close the back cove r and slide the battery cove r lock to
the LOCK position.