When you touch and hold so me
items on a screen, a contex t menu
Quickly con necting to your contacts
As you build up your list of contact s on your phone, you can use Quick
Contact for Android in many a pplications to quickly s tart a chat, email,
or text message; to place a c all; or to locate your contacts. Q uick
Contact for Android is a spe cial icon to open a popup wit h options for
quickly communicat ing with a contact.
1. Identif y a Quick Contact icon by it s frame.
Contacts tha t you can access with Quick C ontact are displayed
differently in dif ferent applications, bu t usually with a picture fra me
that looks like this:
Tap to open a popup with icons .
2. Tap a Quick Contact icon to open a p opup with icons for options to
communicate with the cont act.
If there are mo re icons than can fit in the pop up, scroll vertically to
view them all.
Tap an icon to start communi cating with th e contact in that