Viewing the locat ion of a picture on map
If you have configured Camera to s ave location information with you r
pictures (see “Changi ng Camera settings” on page 146) , you can view
the location where you took the p icture on a map.
1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the Menu key > Show on ma p > Maps or VZ Navigator.
Google Ma ps or VZ Navigator® opens, c entered on the location
stored in the picture.
• For a picture with location inform ation saved, you can remove
location information by ta pping the Menu key > Remove
location information.
• For a picture without location i nformation saved, you can add
current location infor mation by tapping the Menu key > Add
location information.
Sharing a picture
You can share a picture by sending it to f riends.
1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the icon at the top of the scree n.
3. Tap the application you want to use to sh are the selected picture.
The appli cation you select will ope n with the picture (or a link)
attached to a new message. Fo r information about addre ssing and
sending the message, se e the section about that ap plication.
If you are sharing a picture v ia Gmail, do not delete the ori ginal picture
before the message is com pletely sent (wait until it h as the Sent label,
not the Outbox label), or t he attached picture wil l not be sent.