Getting Started with Your Phone
Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard will sta rt when you turn on the phone f or the first
1. Press an d hold the Power/Lock Key until the display lights up.
2. Select the languag e to be used on the phone and tap Next.
3. Your phone will connect to th e network. If you’ve already inse rted
the SIM Card, the device will au tomatically be activated. Th en your
phone will display your new Verizon Wireless Mobile phone number.
Tap Next > Next. If SIM Card is n ot inserted, tap the Home key
and tap Leave Wizard.
4. If Sync contacts is checked, you can restore or backup yo ur
contacts from your previou s phone if you had Backup Assi stant Plus
on the previous Verizon devic e. Tap Next.
5. Set up email accou nt.
You can also sele ct an email account to setup or s kip for later.
6. Review terms for Locati on Sharing and Data Use to use you r phone’s
location. Check I agre e to enable location and tap Next.
7. Tap Go To My Verizon to check ac count balance, usage a nd make
payments. To skip account setup, tap G o to Google Setup.
8. Set up Google accoun t.
If you have a Googl e Account and use Gmail, tap Ye s and enter your
Email address and passwor d to sign in.
If not, tap No and choo se one of the following options:
Get an account: En ables you to create a new Google ac count.
Follow the onscreen instru ctions to enter information su ch as a user
name. Once the Google acc ount is created, you can sign in to you r
account by entering your user name and password.
Not now: Tap to skip the Google account setup and do i t later.
9. Tap one of the following options:
Setup Summary: Review setup configuration.
How-to Videos: Watch Video tutorials to learn how to us e functions
on your phone.