Getting Started with Your Phone
Done: Finishes the initial setup to us e your phone.
10. When your ph one setup is completed, your ph one screen will say
“Congratulations!”. Tap Done with set up.
• If Emergency is tapped, you can place an e mergency call without
unlocking the phone.
• You can also perform the same set tings using the Setup Wiz ard
later on, by tapping the Apps ic on on the Home scree n, then the
Setup Wizard icon .
About Google accou ntTo use Google services suc h as Gmail, Play Store, Google Ca lendar™,
and other Google applic ations, or for backing up set tings to the Google
server, you need to sign in to your Goog le account.
When signed in, the phone w ill synchronize with your Go ogle contacts,
e-mail, and calendar eve nts.
• If you have another account through a c ompany or other
organization, a specia l procedure may be required to s ign in to that
account. Contact your IT dep artment.
• If you have not signed in to the Google ac count in the initial setup
steps, you may be prompted to sign in or cre ate a new account
when you try to use any applic ation that requires you to sign in,
such as Gmail or Google + Hangouts.