To protect your phone and personal da ta, download application s only
from trusted sources, such a s Market.
Trusted credentials: Check to allow applications to access your
phone’s encrypted store of secure c ertificates, related pas swords,
and other credentials.
You use credential storage to estab lish certain types of V PN and
Wi-Fi connections. If you have no t set a password for the credential
storage, this setting is dim med.
Install from storage: Tap to install a secure certificate from a
microSD card, as describ ed in “Working with secu re certificates” on
page 97.
Clear credentials: Deletes all secure certif icates and related
credentials and erase s the secure storage’s own password, after
prompting you to confirm that you want to d o this.
Language & Input
Language: Opens the Language screen, w here you can select the
language for your phone. Se lectable languages a re English, Spanish,
Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Spell checker: Checking this option activates spelling c orrection.
Personal dictionar y: Opens a list of the words you have adde d to the
dictionary. Tap a word to edit or delete it. Tap the icon to add a word.
Default: Select the default input m ethod.
Google Japanese Input: Check to install Google Jap anese Input to
enter data. Tap the icon to configu re options.
Google keyboard: Tap the icon to configure options.
Google Korean keyboard: Check to install Google Korean
keyboard to enter data. Tap the icon to configure options.