kElectronic DevicesYour wireless handheld portable telephone is a low power radio
transmitter and recei ver. When it is ON, it receives and a lso sends out
radio frequency (RF ) signals.
Most modern electron ic equipment is shielde d from RF energy.
However, certain electronic e quipment may not be shielde d against the
RF signals from your wirel ess phone. Therefore, use of you r phone must
be restricted in certa in situations.
PacemakersThe Health Industry M anufacturers Associ ation recommends that
a minimum separation of six ( 6) inches be maint ained between
a handheld wireless p hone and a pacemaker to avoid poten tial
interference with the p acemaker. These recommen dations are
consistent with the indep endent research by and rec ommendations of
Wireless Technology Research.
Never come closer than six ( 6) inches to a person w ith a heart
pacemaker implant whe n using your phone. Doing so c ould result in
interference with the f unction of the pacemaker.
Persons with pacemakers:
• ALWAYS keep the phone more than six (6) in ches from your
pacemaker when the pho ne is turned on.
• Do not carry the phone in a bre ast pocket.
• Use the ear opposite the pacem aker to minimize the potential fo r
• If you have any reason to suspect that i nterference is takin g place,
turn your phone OFF immedi ately.
Hearing AidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In
the event of such interferen ce, you may want to consult your serv ice
provider (or call the cus tomer service line to dis cuss alternatives).