Deleting a contact
1. Open your c ontacts.
2. Tap the name of a contact in the list to vie w its details.
3. Tap the Menu key > Delete > OK.
• If you delete a contact from Googl e Contacts (or another acc ount
with editable contacts ), the contact is also del eted from Contacts
on the web the next time you sync your p hone.
• You cannot delete contacts from a read- only account. Instead, a
dialog informs you that the co ntact will be hidden. To restore hidde n
contacts from a read-only a ccount, you must delete that acc ount
from your phone and sync it ag ain.
• If the contact contains infor mation from both editable a ccounts
(such as Contacts) an d from a read-only account, a d ialog informs
you that the information from th e read-only account will b e hidden,
not deleted.