Tap to end your search. Tap to jump to the previous or next
matching word.
4. Tap the up arrow icon or down ar row icon to jump to and
highlight the previous or next matching word.
5. Tap the close icon to end your s earch.
Copying text on a web pag e1. Tap and hold the text o r word you want to select.
The neare st word highlights, with a tab at e ach end of the selection.
Drag the tabs to change the se lection.
2. Drag either select ion tab to expand or reduce the ra nge of selected
3. Tap the icon > Copy.
The text is copied to the clip board.
Refreshing the c urrent web page1. Tap the Menu key w hile viewing the Browser sc reen.
2. Tap Refresh.
The web page is r eloaded, updating any chang es.
Setting the cu rrent web page as the home p age1. Tap the Menu key w hile viewing the Browser sc reen.
2. Tap Settings > General > Set home page > Current page.