2. Enter the address (UR L) of the web page.
As you enter the ad dress, the search functio n shows suggestions of
web pages and queries.
3. Tap the suggestion or conti nue to enter the full address an d tap the
Enter key .
• The URL bar may not be displayed at th e top of the Browser screen
on some websites. In that case, dr ag the page downward to display
the URL bar.
• If it takes long time to open the spe cified web page, or if you
change your mind, you can can cel the downloading of the pag e. To
do so, tap the cancel icon at left of the URL bar, or tap the Menu
key , then tap Stop.
Viewing a web pageYou can use the Browser to view full-size web p ages designed for PC
web browser, just as you would view on a PC. Full-si ze web pages are
initially displayed in the ove rview mode. You can easily zoo m in to a
section on a web page.
• In some websites, web pages optimize d for mobile device’s
browsers are displayed. You may not be abl e to zoom in or scroll
the contents on such pages.
• Navigation of the web varies from web p age to web page
depending on the website form at.