distance. For example, you co uld use a headset and carr y the wireless
phone away from your body or use a wi reless phone connecte d to a
remote antenna.
Again, the scientific dat a do not demonstrate that wirel ess phones are
harmful. But if you are conc erned about the RF exposu re from these
products, you can use measu res like those described a bove to reduce
your RF exposure from wirele ss phone use.
kWhat about child ren using wireless ph ones?The scientific evide nce does not show a danger to use rs of wireless
phones, including chil dren and teenagers. If you want to ta ke steps to
lower exposure to radiofreque ncy energy (RF), th e measures described
above would apply to children an d teenagers using wirele ss phones.
Reducing the time of wirele ss phone use and increas ing the distance
between the user and the RF s ource will reduce RF expos ure.
Some groups sponsored by othe r national governments have ad vised
that children be discour aged from using wirele ss phones at all. For
example, the government in th e United Kingdom distrib uted leaflets
containing such a recom mendation in Decembe r 2000. They noted that
no evidence exists that usi ng a wireless phone cause s brain tumors
or other ill effects. Thei r recommendation to limit wi reless phone use
by children was strictly prec autionary; it was not bas ed on scientific
evidence that any health h azard exists.
kDo hands-free kit s for wireless phones r educe risks from exposur e to RF emissions?Since there are no known ris ks from exposure to RF emission s from
wireless phones, ther e is no reason to believe that hand s-free kits
reduce risks. Hands-free k its can be used with wirel ess phones for
convenience and comfor t. These systems reduce the a bsorption of RF
energy in the head becau se the phone, which is the sourc e of the RF
emissions, will not be pla ced against the head.