• The display can be awakened by pr essing the Tactile key
and the Volume keys in addition to the Power/Lock key
• If you lock your screen, you must dr aw the unlock pattern, use fa cial
recognition or enter a PIN /password to unlock it. See “Lock ing your
screen” on page 49.
Gett ing to know the Home screenThe Home screen is your sta rting point to access all th e features on
your phone. It displays appli cation icons, widgets, shor tcuts, and other
Widgets are applicat ions that
you can use directly on th e Home
Tap the Apps icon to open the
Apps screen and view all yo ur
The Status bar shows the ti me,
signal strength, bat tery status, a nd
other information. It a lso displays
notification icons.
Tap items on the Home screen to
open them.
The app icons you assign i n the
favorites tray remain visi ble on
every Home screen.
• At the top of the screen, the Status bar di splays the time, information
about the status of your phone, an d icons for notifications you
received. To learn more, see “Mon itoring your phone’s status” on page
30 and “Managing notifi cations” on page 32.
• You can customize the Home screen with d ifferent wallpapers a nd
items. See “Customizing the Hom e screen” on page 36.