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Watching a video1. On any YouTube screen, tap a video to p lay it.
2. To watch the video full screen, rotate th e phone 90 degrees
clockwise or countercl ockwise. The following ar e common
• Drag the slider to go directl y to a section of the video.
• Tap the HQ icon to toggl e high quality playback m ode on and
off. You can set the default playback m ode in YouTube settings.
See “Changing YouTube settings” on page 204.
• Tap the Back key to stop playback and retur n to the videos list.
Searching for videos1. At the top of the YouTube home screen, tap th e search icon .
2. Enter the text to search for.
3. Tap a suggestion below the se arch box or tap the search ico n .
4. Scroll through the sea rch results and tap a video to watch i t.
Sharing your vide os on YouTubeYou can shoot a video on the phone’s camco rder and upload it to
YouTube .
You need to sign in to your YouTube account before you can
upload a video. When the dia log to sign in to YouTube opens, enter
your username and passwor d to sign in, or follow the on-screen
instructions to create a new YouTube account.
1. Tap the accoun t on the YouTube menu.
2. Tap the upload icon .
3. Select and tap a vid eo to upload.
4. Set a title for the video, Des cription, Privacy and Tags.
5. Tap the upload icon .