sand, weather conditions, b attery leakage, blown f use, theft or
improper usage of any elec trical source.
The Company disclaims l iability for removal or re installation of the
product, for geographic cove rage, for inadequate signal rec eption by
the antenna or for communic ations range or operation of t he cellular
system as a whole.
When sending your wirel ess device to NEC Corporatio n of America
for repair or service, p lease note that any personal d ata or software
stored on the device may be inad vertently erased or alte red. Therefore,
we strongly recommend you ma ke a back up copy of all data and
software contained on yo ur device before submit ting it for repair or
service. This inclu des all contact lists, down loads (i.e. third-party
software application s, ringtones, games and gra phics) and any other
data added to your device. In addi tion, if your wireless devi ce utilizes
a SIM or Multimedia card, ple ase remove the card before sub mitting
the device and store for later us e when your device is returne d. NEC
Corporation of Americ a is not responsible for and do es not guarantee
restoration of any third-part y software, personal in formation or memory
data contained in, stored on, o r integrated with any wireles s device,
whether under warrant y or not, returned to NEC Corporati on of America
for repair or service.
To obtain repairs or replaceme nt within the terms of this Warran ty,
the product should be deli vered with proof of Warranty cove rage (e.g.
dated bill of sale), the con sumer’s return address, dayti me phone
number and/or fax n umber and complete descr iption of the problem,
transportation prep aid, to the Company at the address s hown below
or to the place of purchase for rep air or replacement proc essing. In
addition, for reference to an au thorized Warranty statio n in your area,
you may telephone in the United S tates (800)6 37-5917.