5. You can tap a suggestion or c ontinue entering the phon e number.
6. Tap the “Type message” field and s tart entering your mes sage.
7. Tap Send.
The Mess age thread screen opens an d the sent message appea rs.
A message t hread is created and the mess age from the recipient is
displayed on the same scree n.
• You can also select the person you wou ld like to message from
Contact by tapping the CONTACT icon in the “To” field.
• If you tap the Back key while co mposing a message, it is save d
as a draft. Tap the message draf t displayed in the Messagin g
screen to resume composi ng the message.
Sending a multim edia messageYou can attach text, photo, recorded voic e, audio file, video, slides how,
Location, Quick Text or Name Card to a m ultimedia (MMS) m essage.
A message is automaticall y converted into a multimedi a message if
you add a subject or attach a f ile.
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Messaging icon to ope n.
3. Tap the icon .
4. Enter a mobile phone num ber or an Email address of the p erson you
are sending the message to i n the “To” field. As you enter the phone
number, the search function dis plays suggestions.
5. You can tap a suggestion or c ontinue entering the phon e number or
Email address.
6. Tap the “Type to compose” field and sta rt entering your mess age.