Configuring Backup Ass istant Plus SM
Backup Assistant Plus safeguards your phone’s contacts and
automatically saves a copy of the n ames, phone numbers, ema il
addresses, etc., stored in your phon e. You can view, print, add, delete,
or edit your contacts onlin e.
Subject to specific term s of use. Results may vary bas ed on
backup schedule and othe r factors. See verizonwireless.com/
backupassistant for more details.

Configuring Bac kup Assistant Plus

If Backup Assistant Plus s ettings were not configure d during the
initialization of your phon e, configure the settings usi ng the following
1. Tap the Contact ic on on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Contacts tab.
3. Tap the Menu key > Backu p Assistant Plu s.
4. Tap Start Bac kup Assistan t Plus.
5. Tap OK.