Walking CounterYou can count the number of steps you travel ed with the Walking
Counter tool.
• The pedometer counts your step s while the phone power is on. You
do not need to open G’zGEAR to count you r steps.
• Everyday at midnight, the counted n umber of steps you have taken
is saved to a day-by-day history and th e counter is reset .
• The pedometer detects the sma ll vibrations generated w hen you
are walking or jogging and c ounts them as steps. The error of th e
count increases if your ste ps cannot be detected normal ly or if
vibration other than from wal king or jogging is detected.
• The steps counted by the pedome ter may differ from the actua l
number of your steps. Use the coun ted result only as a guide.
• The length between point s as displayed in Virtual Trek mod e is not
accurately scaled to the act ual real-world distance b etween points.
Virtual Trek mode
In Virtual Trek mode, you can vir tually hike along famou s trails on the
seven continents. The dist ance you hiked on the trail is cal culated
based on the number of steps co unted by the pedometer.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Wal king Counter.
2. The Virtual Trek scree n displays your distance hi ked, current position
on the trail, the percentage of t he trail you have hiked, and trail
Select Trek: Allows you to select the trail to walk from the list.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.