Rotating a pictu re1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the Menu key > Rotate left or Rotate right.
The pictur e is saved with the new orientati on.
Using a picture as a c ontact icon or as Home scr een wallpaper1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the Menu key > Set pict ure as.
If you tap Con tact photo, you will be prompte d to select the contact
that will be associated wi th the picture, and then to crop the p icture.
If you tap Wall paper, you will be prompted to crop the pictur e.
Cropping a pictureYou can save a selected portion of a pi cture by cropping it.
1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the Menu key > Crop.
The croppi ng rectangle appears o n top of the picture.
3. Use the cropping tool to se lect the portion of the pict ure to crop.
• Drag from the inside of the cropp ing tool to move it.
• Drag an edge or a corner of the cro pping tool to resize it to any
4. Tap CROP to save a copy of the cropped pic ture.
The origi nal uncropped picture rem ains.
Getting detai ls about a picture1. Tap a picture to view it.
2. Tap the Menu key > Details.