Compass ON: Displ ays the constellation of the dire ction the
phone is pointing. Tap to turn the compa ss OFF.
Current location: Updates the current location u sing GPS.
You can also set the da te and time to display the constell ation by
sliding up or down the numbe r of year, month and time.
Constellation Finder
You can locate constellations in th e sky using Constellatio n Finder.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Star Gazer.
2. Tap Search Off and select the cons tellation to find from the
displayed list and tap Start.
An arrow ind icating the location of the sel ected constellation is
displayed at the center of the scre en. Change the direction of th e
phone according to the arrow to f ind the constellation.
Tap Detail in step 2 to dis play a detail screen showi ng an illustration
of constellations and their m ain stars. Then tap Wikipedia to open a
browser to view the information of tha t constellation in Wikiped ia.