Volumes: O pens a dialog where you can s et the volume of the
ringtones that sound whe n you receive a phone call or a noti fication, or
of different media (m usic, videos, an so on), a nd for alarms.
Phone ringtone: O pens a dialog where you ca n select the ringtone
to sound when you receive a pho ne call. Tap a ringtone to listen to it.
See “Using a song as a phone r ingtone” on page 165 to learn how
to add your own music to this list.
Vibrate when ringing: Check to have the phone vibrate briefl y
before playing a ringtone whe n your phone receives a phon e call.
SYSTEM: You can configure Defau lt notification, Dial pad tou ch tones,
Touch sounds, Screen lock soun d, Digit dial readout, Call er ID readout,
Vibrate on touch, Silence NFC i n calls, and Emergency tone.
Acceleration sensor m ay sense loud sound or vibra tion, and can
affect application performance.
Brightness: Opens a dialog for adjustin g the brightness of the scree n.
You can check Automatic brightness to set the phone to adjust
the brightness automatic ally, using the phone’s built-in light se nsor. If
you uncheck that option, you ca n use the slider to set the brightn ess
level you want at all times when us ing the phone. For the best batter y
performance, use the d immest possible brig htness level at which you
are comfortable.
Wallpaper: The Wa llpaper settings optio n allows you to set the
Wallpaper for your Home scre en, Lock screen, Clock scre en.
Auto-rotate screen: Check to automatical ly switch the orientation of
the screen as you rotate the phone.