Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, NEC CASIO Mobile Communi cations, Ltd. declares that this
product is compliance w ith the essential require ments and other
relevant provisions of Directi ve 1999/5/EC.
Declaration of Conformi ty can be found on http://www.nec-casio-
This mobile phone comp lies with the EU requiremen ts for exposure to
radio waves. Your mobile phone is a radio tr ansceiver, designed and
manufactured not to exceed the S AR* limits** for exposure to radi o-
frequency (RF) e nergy, which SAR* value, when tes ted for compliance
against the standard was 0.572 W/kg. Wh ile there may be differen ces
between the SAR* levels of vari ous phones and at various pos itions,
they all meet*** the EU requi rements for RF exposure.
* The exposure standard for mobile phone s employs a unit of
measurement known as th e Specific Absorption R ate, or SAR.
** The S AR limit for mobile phones us ed by the public is 2.0 watts/
kilogram (W/kg) aver aged over ten grams of tissue, reco mmended
by The Council of the European U nion. The limit incorpo rates a
substantial margin of safet y to give additional protection for th e
public and to account for any va riations in measureme nts.
*** Tests for S AR have been conducted usin g standard operating
positions with the phone tr ansmitting at its highes t certified power
level in all tested frequenc y bands. Although the SAR is dete rmined
at the highest certifi ed power level, the actual SAR leve l of the
phone while operating c an be well below the maximu m value. This
is because the phone is de signed to operate at multiple p ower
levels so as to use only the power req uired to reach the network. In
general, the closer you are to a b ase station antenna, the lower th e
power output.