Verizon Wireless. Verizon Wi reless and the Verizon Wire less logos are
trademarks of Verizon Trademark Se rvices LLC. All company na mes,
trademarks, logos and co pyrights not propert y of Verizon Wireless are
the property of their res pective owners.
Google, the stylized Go ogle logo, Android, the sty lized Android logo,
Google Play, Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Search, Google+,
Google+ Hangouts, Google Location Service, Google Mobile, Google
Safesearch, Picasa, Ch rome, Quickoffice are trad emarks or registered
trademarks of Google Inc.
LTE is a trademark of ETSI.
Commando® is a registered trademark of Ver izon Wireless.
G’zGEAR is a trademark of NEC Casi o Mobile Communication s, Ltd.
G’zOne is a trademark of Casio Com puter Co., Ltd.
Other trademarks and tr ade names are those of their re spective owners.
The software install ed in this product contains r ights including copyrig ht
and moral rights of authors, w hich are protected by the copyrig ht law.
You shall not, and shall not permit a ny third party to duplica te, modify,
alter, extract from the hardware, dis assemble, decompile, o r reverse
engineer any part or al l part of the software.
You shall not distribute, copy and sha ll not permit any third par ty
to duplicate, modify, alter, extract fro m the hardware, disassembl e,
decompile, or reverse en gineer any part or all pa rt of the software.
Open Source Software
Some software compon ents of this product incorpor ate source code