Configur ing G’zGEAR1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Settings.
2. Change the following set tings as necessary.
Calibrate compass: Allows you to calibrate the e lectronic compass.
GPS Location Se rvices: Check to autom atically set the current
location while using G’zGE AR.
G_Switch: Check to enable the switching of tools by shaking the
phone to the left. When sha king the phone, be sure to hold the
phone firmly and make su re not to hit the phone against ne arby
Save last mode: Check to display the previously displaye d mode
when starting a tool.
Pedometer: Check to count your s teps with the pedometer.
Icon wear-out: Have the icons “wear” with use.
Unit of temperature: Allows you to set the unit for displaying
temperature to Centigrade o r Fahrenheit.
Unit of distance/length: Allows you to set the units for distance to
display in miles or Kilom eters.
Body Settings: Allows you to enter your height, weig ht, age,
sex, and length of stride whic h are used to measure the traveled
distance and burned ca lories from the number of s teps counted with
the pedometer. Check Automatic calculation to automati cally
calculate the length of strid e.
Delete walking c ounter data: Del ete today’s data or all past data.
STAR GAZER displa y settings: See “C onstellation View mode” on
page 191.
Widget Settings: Allows you to configure the display r efresh interval
for Virtual Trek widget and Ped ometer widget.
Temperature Trip: Delete flags.
Barometer set tings: Check Pressure sensor auto download
if you want the pressure senso r to automatically download. You can
also turn on or off the automat ic server. Check BLE watch l ink