Sharing a video
You can share a video by sending it i n an email or with a multimed ia
(MMS) message. You can al so share a video by uploadin g it to the
YouTube web site.
1. While vi ewing an album, touch and hol d a video.
Or, tap the Menu key > Select item.
2. Tap the videos to share.
3. Tap the icon at the top of the scre en.
4. Tap the application you want to use to sha re the selected videos.
The appli cation you select will ope n with the video attached to a n ew
message. If you select YouTube, you will be prompted to ente r details
about the video to upload.
For more infor mation, see the section on th at application.
• MMS messages have size limi ts, typically 1.2MB, or approxim ately
1 minute of high-quality v ideo or 2 minutes of low-quali ty video.
• If you are sharing one or more vid eos via Gmail, do not delete th e
originals before the mes sage is completely sent ( wait until it has the
Sent label, not the Outbox la bel), or the attache d videos will not be
Deleting a video
1. While vi ewing an album, tap a video.
2. Tap the icon at the top of the scree n.
3. Tap Confirm delete.